Claire Turpin Design  is committed to protecting your privacy and any information you share. We keep all customer information confidential and do not sell or share any information with any third parties.



Your personal information is protected by appropriate data collection, storage and processing practices. All private information is transferred via SSL secured communication channel, encrypted and protected with digital signatures.



Personal information will only be collected if voluntarily submitted. Collected information from users may include, data when an item is added to cart, an order placed or subscribing to a newsletter. Users may be asked for name, email and home address, phone number or credit card information. Once an order has been placed we will hold your order information for records only and will not share this information with any third parties.



Cookies allow a website to recognise you when you visit. They do not include any personal information and a user may choose to set their device/web browser to alert when cookies are being sent and provide an option to refuse or accept them.

The use of cookies will help Claire Turpin Design to:

  • Improve customer service, request and service needs

  • Improve the function of the website

  • To send users information they agreed to receive about topics we think will be of interest to them.

NOTE: If a user has opted in to our mailing list they may then be sent emails detailing new products, updates, classes and tutorials. All emails will include an option to opt out by unsubscribing.

This privacy policy may be updated at any time and the policy date will be revised below. You acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to review this privacy policy periodically and become aware of modifications.

Our privacy policy was last updated on August 11, 2021.